“Being a sophisticated person involves daily discipline, self-awareness and the desire for constant refinement” (Karla M Davis).

Here are some simple tips to help you look significant at work so you get people’s attention.

    • Walk with elegance and sophistication. Keep your back straight, whether sitting down or standing up and avoid slouching at all costs – it’s a sign of laziness and bad manners. Think elegance and grace with every step you take. Never plonk yourself down on a seat – place yourself down gently in one elegant, fluid movement.
    • Avoid losing your cool. Sophisticated people are confident, in charge, and calm.
    • Women should wear subtle makeup that is appropriate for work. Men should keep their faces looking fresh, but don’t have to be free from facial hair − a well-kept beard can look sophisticated. However, trendy haircuts for both sexes are a must.
    • You don’t need to wear expensive designer clothes to look sophisticated but have some good quality, nicely tailored outfits in your wardrobe. Your clothes must fit well, be wrinkle-free and cover all the essential bits. Aim to look about 10% more dressy than the people around you so you stand out as the more sophisticated person in the office.
    • A good quality perfume or aftershave will add to your feeling of sophistication. Not too much or too overpowering, just enough to make an impression and leave a lasting impression.
    • Always use refined language. Don’t swear or use crude expressions and never gossip. Keep your Facebook posts inoffensive, too.
    • Talk clearly enough for others to understand you and never talk too loudly. Listen to what people have to say and make eye contact while communicating. If you have to confront someone or put them in their place, speak the truth as you see it, but in moderate language and without recourse to shouting. Find the right time and place for such confrontations.
    • Make your colleagues feel at ease and accepted by improving your conversational skills. Being well-read and informed of current events will make you a more sophisticated conversationalist.
    • Stand up for yourself with dignity. Being polite does not mean being a pushover. State your case without resorting to name-calling or getting overly emotional.
    • Cultivate sophisticated, confident, self-assured friends who are a little older and more mature than you are so you can learn from them. Your friends should lift you up, not bring you down – hang out with people who make you want to be better than you actually are.
    • Accept responsibility for your actions. Being able to own what you’ve done in your life is the height of sophistication, but speak about yourself with modesty. Understand that life is what you make of it and that you’ve the power to be as sophisticated as you would like and to have a life as good as you want it to be.


