In the 1865 poem of WR Wallace it is said that “the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world”! Since then the world has changed in so many ways. Can the women of today actually make a difference?

Although gender parity is still a seemingly unattainable objective in many countries, the women of this world are already having an impact on every sphere of life. They are the primary drivers of many changes we see around us. In their often quiet, unassuming way they do what is necessary to transform and uplift their communities and to inspire their people. As mothers and caregivers they continue to influence and shape future generations.

However, these days they also can and do shape the world on a much broader scale:

  1. Women play a huge role in small business development and use their skills and knowledge to lift their communities out of poverty. They also tend to be more willing to support other women entrepreneurs with a strong vision for change.
  2. For every additional 10% of girls going to school, a country’s gross domestic product (GDP) grows by 3%. An increasing number of women and girls are claiming their right to equal education and training.
  3. Women value connection and community higher than men. They are acutely aware of the value of teamwork and cooperation, which makes them excellent leaders especially where a diverse workforce is concerned. This characteristic also makes them valuable in the global economy.
  4. Research has shown that companies with women on their boards increase their profits, outperforming those with all-male boards by 26%.
  5. Women show a strong social responsibility towards the vulnerable sectors of society. Where women are politically involved, there are better policies in place for the poor, the sick, the elderly and children.
  6. Research has shown that there is less government corruption where more women hold political power. Some studies suggest that it may be because female leaders break up the “old boys’ club” style of leadership, requiring greater accountability from their male counterparts in government.

As the world changes, the roles of women and the positions they step into also change. With better education and training, and more opportunities, when given the chance they can contribute meaningfully to the world in which we live, helping to solve the many challenges we face today.



Strasser, A.R. & Culp-Ressler, T. 7 Ways women could change the world … if we let them. Retrieved from
Wallace, WR. 1865. What rules the world?
Witter, L. How women will change the world. Retrieved from