Being eco-friendly or environmentally friendly is becoming more and more important. You can see the term used in everything from job ads to dating profiles, even in houses and holiday homes listings.
In South Africa we have a Clean-up SA and Recycle Week from 16 to 21 September. This is the ideal opportunity to see how eco-friendly you are. Complete the quiz and see what your results tell about you.
1. Do you try to reduce your production of daily trash?
A. Always, I hate taking out the trash
B. Sometimes, when I have the energy
C. Never, I only do what is most convenient for me
2. Would you buy an electric car?
A. Yes, my next car will be electric
B. Maybe, I will definitely think about it when I buy my new car
C. No, I only go for comfort and style
3. Do you turn out the lights when you leave the house?
A. Always
B. Sometimes
C. Never
4. Do you buy organic foods?
A. Always
B. Sometimes
C. Never
5. Do you drink bottled water?
A. I will never buy water
B. Sometimes, when I forget to bring my own bottle to work
C. Almost every day
6. What do you do with clothes that you don’t want anymore?
A. I donate/give them away
B. I sell them
C. I throw them away
7. What do you use to carry your groceries?
A. Re-usable canvas bags
B. Paper bags
C. Plastic bags
8. Do you turn off the water while you brush your teeth, shave, etc?
A. Yes
B. Sometimes
C. No
9. When I clean my bathroom, I use…
A. I make my own all natural cleaning products
B. All natural cleaning products from the store
C. Whatever will work best
10. Do you have appliances (fridge, stove, washer, dryer) in your house over 10 years old?
A. No everything is new and energy star qualified
B. Some are old and some are new
C. Yes I love antiques
11. How often do you eat at fast food establishments?
A. Never
B. 1 or 2 times a week
C. Everyday
12. What do you do with litter when you see it?
A. I will always try my best to pick up litter
B. Most of the times I will pick up other people’s litter
C. Other people’s litter is not my problem
13. If you have a dog, do you pick up its poo?
A. Yes
B. Sometimes
C. No
14. How do you freshen the air in your room?
A. I keep lots of plants in the house
B. I open the windows
C. I spray air freshener
15. What do you do with leftovers after meals?
A. I save them for another time
B. I put them outside for the birds to eat
C. I throw them away
Mostly A’s
You are a Total Tree Hugger. You go above and beyond when it comes to being eco-friendly. You reduce, re-use, buy organic, buy green, and recycle every chance you get and respect the earth and environment.
Mostly B’s
You are a Wannabe Green Machine. You are semi-earth-conscious and do an alright job when it comes to reducing, re-using and recycling. Although you take some steps toward a greener tomorrow, you are still stuck in the past when it comes to making a large scale change.
Mostly C’s
You are an Earth Hater. You are not really into the eco-friendly business. For you it is about comfort and what works best for you. A goal for you could be to see what you can do to change some of your habits.