What kind of spender are you? Do you have a financial lifestyle that suggests the “rich and famous”, or do you spend like a “working class member”? To gain some insight into your approach to money management, take the following quiz and choose the answer that most describes you.

1. What do you most often do for lunch?

A. You prepare lunch at home and bring it along.
B. You bring leftovers to save money, but colleagues sometimes persuade you to join them for a lunch at a cafe.
C. You meet a friend or a colleague at a cafe.

2. Bonus! You just received your income tax refund. What will you spend it on?

A. Save it for a rainy day.
B. A new pair of shoes, then student loan or credit card debt.
C. A day at the golf course or the spa, then a fancy dinner with friends.

3. It is payday. The first thing you do after work is:

A. Repay debt, pay bills, buy necessities and then spend on day-to-day life expenses.
B. Pay bills and buy necessities, put money into savings, then buy yourself something small.
C. Go to the mall and spend. You can always use your credit card later to pay bills.

4. The new sport season is starting soon and it’s time to assess your equipment. You then:

A. Go to a used sporting goods store.
B. Reuse the equipment from last year; it will still do.
C. Buy all new stuff, brand names only.

5. You are at the grocery store. You:

A. Stick to your budget and detailed list. You have a few coupons and know what is on sale.
B. Buy what’s on sale and a few favourites. You compare prices but mostly stick to brands you know and like.
C. Buy what looks good and what makes you feel good.

6. Do you use coupons?

A. Almost always. You are the master of coupon hunting.
B. Sometimes. When you find them and remember to bring them with you, you’ll use them.
C. No. Coupons are way too much hassle.

7. While on holiday you find the perfect souvenir shop. You:

A. Just look around; the people at home don’t need gifts.
B. Buy t-shirts for the family and close friends.
C. Get personalised glasses for all the family and friends.

8. A friend invites you to join him on a holiday next summer. How do you pay for it?

A. You set aside a little money each month for your annual holiday and use this to pay for the holiday.
B. You’ll use your savings to pay for the plane ticket, and rely on your credit card if the trip gets too expensive.
C. You will have to rely on your credit cards, but you will not miss this. Life’s too short to miss out on travelling.

9. You bought a new duvet cover on sale, but it doesn’t match as well as you hoped. What do you do?

A. Immediately return it to the store. You have the original packaging and receipt.
B. Put it away and forget about it. It wasn’t that much money.
C. Make a mental note to return it to the store the next time you go shopping.

10. You’ve saved up money and have plans to buy your dream car this weekend. Two days before you go to the dealership, you find out that you’re going to be laid off. What do you do?

A. Hold off until you find another job.
B. Settle for a cheaper model.
C. Get it anyway. You’ve wanted this so badly for so long.



You have mostly gone for the As

Super saver: Your main aim is to save as much as possible. You seldom spend money, unless it is to fill a need. Best advice for you is not to be afraid of spending a little money when it’s something you can afford that will enrich your life.

You have mostly gone for the Bs

Moderate spender: Your spending habits are comfortably middle-of-the-road. You’re good at remembering that money is made for enjoyment, at the same time as you’re careful to keep your spending in check and your saving responsible. Best advice for you is always to think about your purchases and check your budget to make sure you stay on track.

You have mostly gone for the Cs

Big spender: Saving is a swearword for you. The best advice for you is to remember never to spend more than you make. As tempted as you may be to buy luxury items, remember that being debt-free and having your finances in order can actually be one of the biggest luxuries ever.


