Each year the World Health Organisation’s SAVE LIVES: Clean Your Hands campaign (5 May 2016) aims to “bring people together” in support of hand hygiene improvement globally. How much do you know about hygiene?
Complete the quiz and see how you are doing. The correct answers appear below.
1. How many times should you wash your hands per day?
A. Every chance I get
B. Before every meal
C. Three times per day
D. Whenever I have touched bacteria
2. The danger zone where bacteria multiplies the most is between
A. 0°C – 15°C
B. 15°C − 85°C
C. −4°C − 1°C
D. 5°C − 60°C
3. Select the most suitable cutting surface in regard to hygiene
A. Wooden chopping board
B. Stainless steel bench
C. Glass board
D. Colour coded chopping board
4. The most common bacteria found in chicken is
A. Escherichia coli
B. Salmonella
C. Shigella
D. Diarrhoea
5. Select the one which shows an example of good personal hygiene practices when preparing food
A. Wear hair tied back, a clean apron and no jewellery
B. Wear perfume, hair net and apron
C. Wash hands, wear watch and a hair net
D. Wear a hair net and a dirty apron and uniform
6. Which public facility carries the most germs?
A. Toilet seat in a public restroom
B. Computer monitors (library, school and business)
C. A public building doorknob
D. A table at a restaurant
7. How many times should you wash your bed sheets?
A. Once per week
B. Once every two weeks
C. Once a month
D. Once a year
8. Which kills the most bacteria on a kitchen sponge?
A. Hot soapy water
B. Bleach
C. Vinegar
D. A microwave oven
9. Which product kills 99.9% of all bacteria, fungus spores and germs?
A. Ammonia
B. Baking soda and vinegar
C. Bleach
D. Rubbing alcohol
10. Should a person use an anti-perspirant or deodorant for optimal hygiene and health?
A. Only deodorant
B. Natural deodorants or anti-perspirants
C. Only anti-perspirant
D. Both deodorant and antiperspirant
11. Which method kills the most germs on your hands?
A. Warm, soapy water
B. Friction while rubbing hands together
C. When I dry my hands
D. Hot water
12. How do you practise proper hygiene on your feet?
A. Scrub your feet when bathing
B. Wear clean socks every day
C. A & B
13. When is it OK to use food past its “use by” date?
A. When you cook it
B. Within a week of the “use by” date
C. When you use many spices and herbs
D. Never
14. How long do you have to clean your teeth for?
A. Around one minute
B. Two minutes
C. Three minutes
D. More than three minutes
15. What is the best way to dry your hands in order to prevent recontamination?
A. Disposable paper towels
B. Hot-air hand dryer
C. A cotton towel
D. Both A & C
1. D. Whenever we may have touched bacteria. Hand washing is the single most effective way to prevent the spread of infections. You can spread certain germs casually by touching another person. You can also catch germs when you touch contaminated objects or surfaces and then you touch your face (mouth, eyes and nose).
2. D. 5°C − 60°C. The ideal temperature for bacteria to multiply varies with different species but most bacteria develop rapidly between 20 and 60°C.
3. D. Colour coded chopping board. One of the most common causes of food poisoning is something called cross-contamination, or the transfer of harmful bacteria from one food product to another by way of contaminated tools.
4. B. Salmonella. Salmonella is the second commonest cause of bacterial foodborne illness.
5. A. Wear hair tied back, a clean apron and no jewellery.
6. C. A public building doorknob. The five public places with the most germs are restaurant menus, lemon wedges, condiment dispensers, door handles and soap dispensers.
7. A. Once per week.
8. D. A microwave oven. Microwave ovens use electromagnetic radiation to heat water molecules. It’s the heat, not the microwaves, that’s lethal here.
9. B. Baking soda and vinegar. Baking soda and vinegar kills all food germs and bacteria, including E-coli and salmonella, naturally and safely.
10. D. Both deodorant and antiperspirant. Antiperspirants are designed to prevent our body from sweating by blocking sweat from reaching the skin. Deodorant basically does what is say it will do, that is, prevent unwanted odour (it does not prevent sweat).
11. A. Warm, soapy water. The way soap works to combat bacteria etc is by lowering the surface tension of water, thus making it easier for dirt, grime, oils and stuff that contain “germs” to move from your hands into the soapy water, and then to be washed off and down the drain.
12. C. A & B
13. D. Never
14. B. Two minutes. If you don’t brush your teeth long enough, you may not be getting your teeth clean enough. If you leave behind bacteria on the teeth after brushing, it can lead to serious problems such as gingivitis or periodontitis.
15. D. Both A & C