Not everyone thinks facial hair is a fashion worth celebrating but the beard trend seems to be here to stay. The million dollar question is: why?
Lasting fashion trend
There is no doubt about it; beards are now as popular as ever, if not more so. Although, not everyone thinks facial hair is a fashion worth celebrating, beards are seen on just about every other male face around us. Surprisingly, there are quite logical reasons why the current, furry-faced fad has re-surfaced and does so time and again!
The beard has been used as a symbol for masculinity for centuries. Beard trends subsequently tend to re-surface most vigorously during times when men feel their masculine identity is being threatened. Modern day men, so the experts tell us, are currently experiencing a “crisis of masculinity”. Dr Alun Withey, researcher and initiator of the Do beards matter project remarks: “Growing a beard is the only way a man can publicly display his manhood, without getting thrown in jail for indecent exposure!”
In the past, beards where looked upon as a sign of honour only to be cut as a form of punishment. Beards were also proudly worn to mimic renowned explorers and adventurers. Today, men are more acutely aware of and influenced by the beard styles sported by celebrities. Facial hair became the biggest grooming trend of 2014 after George Clooney and other celebrities arrived at the 2013 Bafta and Oscar ceremonies with beards. In contrast, the 2015 events saw a throng of freshly-shaved faces so we will have to wait and see what happens next.
Style and beauty experts point out that beards are a major grooming trend for modern men who use their facial hair to make a statement about who they are and how they want to be seen by others. The perception that beards make men look older, sexier, of a higher status, more respected and even stronger and more powerful still abounds and has been verified by modern-day research findings.
Psychoanalysts point out that growing a beard is often used as a way for men to hide their vulnerability when they have suffered a bereavement or trauma such as divorce, losing their jobs or having been injured.
Female response
Whether you love or hate it, the almighty beard trend seems to be here to stay!
Contrary to popular belief, not all women hate beards. According to recent studies, a surprising number of women are more attracted to and more likely to develop a long or short-term relationship with men with light beards or stubble. Women also find men with full beards more aggressive and mature but least attractive, according to these findings.
As for beard styles; “designer stubble” seems to have come out tops as the most popular beard trend liked by both men and women. Although uncared for stubble can make a man look rough or haggard, cared for stubble has the ability to transform a smooth baby face into something more masculine and sexy without having to resort to a full beard.
However, women across the board hate it when a man’s beard is unkempt, dirty and smelly and when it scratches their delicate skins when being kissed!
Covington, C. The new trend in beards raises awkward questions. Retrieved from:
Hussain, A. 2016. Is It boom or bust for the beard trend? Retrieved from:
Rowles, D. 2015. Chicks dig beards. Retrieved from:
Wells, J. 2015. Will the ‘beard boom’ ever end? Retrieved from: