Work-related stress, especially during holiday periods, can wreak havoc in the workplace. Fortunately there are ways and means in which to manage and minimise holiday workplace stress.
Workplace stress
Stress is overwhelmingly prevalent in our modern society and especially so in the workplace. Holidays just seem to worsen the problem. However, employers, and to a lesser extent employees, can implement certain strategies to help combat this tendency. This is not the time for employers to be stingy but to be sensitive and to find ways in which to show employees that that they understand the work−life stresses and strains they are subjected to.
What employers can do
Employers can show appreciation and help minimise holiday stress by:
- Offering holiday flexi-time arrangements. Time issues are a major cause of holiday stress in the workplace. Employees need time off to shop for gifts, manage holiday child care considerations and just enjoy time off with family and friends. By allowing employees to work remotely or even on a flexi-time basis will not only help combat holiday stress but will also boost workplace morale and thus profitability.
- Ensuring that there is back-up for employees taking time off. It will not help much if a stressed out employee gets time off only to worry about the backlog of work awaiting him or her on returning to work. Employers can call in back-up help or re-schedule deadlines to help.
- Organising holiday parties and other social events to show appreciation for work well done during the preceding months. The employer should fund the party and also have it during office hours to not further impinge on employee’s limited private time. Keep it informal and casual so employees will not have to purchase new outfits. Informally socialising is good for reducing stress, boosting morale and team building.
- Offering holiday bonuses or other monetary gifts. This will be immensely appreciated at a time when budgets are stretched to the limit. Make sure employees receive these gifts well in advance of their annual holiday spending spree.
Happy, stress-free holidays
Employees also have a role to play in helping minimise holiday work stress. They should acknowledge and appreciate all the above-mentioned benefits as a gift − not a given. It is also up to employees to manage their own workload as diligently as possible and to speak up if they need more time or help to complete their tasks. Holiday time is also the time to volunteer helping out when others need to take time off. Remember that when you are happy and less stressed the people around and close to you will be too!
May yours be a happy, stress-free holiday time!
Bass, N. How to reduce stress at work . retrieved from:
Seven ways employers can reduce stress in the workplace. 2014. Retrieved from:
Stark, BJ. 2014. Minimizing stress in the workplace during the holidays. Retrieved from:
Wheeler, T. Manage work/life stress during the holidays. Retrieved from: