On Thursday 18 September South Africa will celebrate Recycling Day. It falls during Clean-up SA Week. The aim is to increase awareness about the social, environmental and economic benefits of recycling.

  1. This quiz provides you the opportunity to measure your knowledge regarding recycling.

    1. What is the most difficult to recycle?

      • Paper
      • Glass
      • Metal
      • Styrofoam

    2. Does it save more energy when you turn a powerpoint off at the wall or leave it on standby?

      • Doesn’t make a difference
      • Best is to leave it on standby
      • Turn off at powerpoint
      • They don’t waste any electricity

    3. What type of flush saves the most water?

      • Dual flush
      • Half flush
      • Full flush
      • All the above

    4. Which of the following is the best to wrap your lunch in?

      • Plastic bag
      • Foil
      • Glad wrap
      • Brown paper bag

    5. What is the worst way to travel?

      • Walking
      • Bike riding
      • Bus
      • Car

    6. Do solar panels save energy?

      • No
      • Only in the summer
      • Yes
      • Depends how you use them

    7. How many years does it take a single aluminium can to decompose?

      • 20 – 40 years
      • 60 – 80 years
      • 80 – 100 years
      • 100 – 120 years

    8. If you recycle a tonne of paper, how many trees are you saving?

      • 2 trees
      • 17 trees
      • 23 trees
      • 40 trees

    9. Recycling just one aluminium can saves enough energy to run a television for how long?

      • 3 hours
      • 6 hours
      • 9 hours
      • 12 hours

    10. Recycling just two glass bottles saves enough energy to boil water for how many cups of tea?

      • 1 cup of tea
      • 3 cups of tea
      • 5 cups of tea
      • 7 cups of tea

    11. Most of the energy used on earth today originally came from which source?

      • The sun
      • Oceans
      • Soil
      • Air

    12. Which action does not save energy in your home?

      • Turning all appliances to stand-by when not in use
      • Turning off and unplugging all appliances when not in use
      • Turning off all lights when not in the room
      • Leaving lights on in only the rooms you are moving between

    13. How many times can glass be recycled?

      • None, glass can’t be recycled
      • Once
      • Four times
      • Twenty times
      • Forever

    14. Which of the following cannot be recycled?

      • Milk cartons
      • Plastic water bottles
      • Glass containers
      • Paper bags
      • None of the above

    15. In what ways can you help save our earth?

      • Re-use your plastic bottles and bags
      • Reduce the amount of waste you produce
      • Plant a tree
      • Recycle
      • All of the above



    1. Styrofoam
    2. Turn off at powerpoint
    3. Half flush
    4. Brown paper bag
    5. Car
    6. Yes
    7. 80 – 100 years
    8. 17 trees
    9. 3 hours
    10. 5 cups of tea
    11. The sun
    12. Leaving lights on in only the rooms you are moving between
    13. Forever
    14. None of the above
    15. All of the aboveRecycling and saving energy are two of the most important contributions that anyone can make toward protecting the environment. If you answered 12 or more of these questions correctly, then congratulations, you are a best friend of the earth.

    If you answered 9 or more of these questions correctly then well done, you’ve got a great foundation and should constantly be searching for more facts to help you on your way. If you answered less than 7 of these questions correctly, you’ve got lots of room for improvement and should start a new eco-friendly lifestyle today!


