Peace of mind is often associated with yoga, monks and sitting alone in a far off place, praying or meditating all day long. The truth is that peace of mind can be attained and enjoyed, even while leading a normal, ordinary life, with a job and family.
Complete this quiz to find out how much inner peace you have. The quiz has been adapted from
Choose the most appropriate response to the questions or statements below and then add up the point values.
1) On a scale of 1 to 4, how easily do you get stressed?
1. I stress easily and frequently
2. I have average stress
3. It takes a lot to get me stressed
4. I never get stressed
2) How often are you stressed?
1. Daily
2. Regularly
3. Rarely
4. Never
3) How often are you living in the past or thinking about the past?
1. I am plagued with thoughts of the past
2. I frequently allow the past to affect my present situation
3. Occasionally the past creeps up in my life
4. I live in the NOW. The past doesn’t affect my current situation
4) Have you forgiven everyone that you feel has wronged you or made a mistake that hurt you?
1. No, I cannot forgive
2. I have forgiven MOST people
3. I have completely forgiven and released ALL people
5) True or False? I have effective ways (techniques) to handle every day stress.
1. False
2. True
6) How often do you get angry?
1. Daily
2. Regularly
3. Rarely
4. Never
7) How do you handle your anger?
1. I blow up and over-react (physically or verbally)
2. I bottle it up and keep it inside
3. I take a moment and leave the situation or take a deep breath so that I can respond instead of react
4. I never get angry
8) How often do you experience joy?
1. I do not know what it means to be truly joyful
2. I rarely experience joy because I am stressed, depressed, etc.
3. I occasionally experience joy
4. I frequently and consistently experience joy in my life
9) Do you have a regular practice of prayer/meditation/affirmation or visualisation?
1. No
2. Yes
10) How often do you exercise physically?
1. Never, I don’t exercise
2. Rarely, because I can’t find the time
3. Occasionally, if I have the time
4. Regularly, I am committed to my physical health
11) How often do you stress or worry about finances?
1. Daily
2. Not daily, but regularly
3. Rarely
4. Never
12) How often do you express yourself creatively?
1. Never
2. Rarely
3. Regularly
4. Daily
13) True or False: “Do what you love and the money will follow.”
1. False
2. True
14) Do you do any volunteer work or are you actively involved in any social causes?
1. No
2. Yes
15) What is your general attitude toward life?
1. The glass is half empty
2. The glass is half full
16) Do you donate money to groups or organisations?
1. No
2. Sometimes
3. Yes, regularly
17) How often do you play?
1. “Play” – what’s play?
2 I rarely have the time or opportunity to play
3. I occasionally find the time to play
4. I frequently and regularly play
18) True or False: I often feel lonely and alone.
1. True
2. False
19) True or False: My work (career) is in alignment with my values.
1. False
2. True
20) How do you feel about change?
1. I’m uncomfortable with change
2. I embrace change
21) Is your career emotionally, physically and spiritually fulfilling?
1. My career pays the bills, but it’s not what I really want to do.
2. For the most part, I am fulfilled with my career.
3. I am doing what I absolutely love AND making a great living.
22) True or False: I judge others.
1. True
2. False
23) True or False: I am able to easily understand someone else’s side by putting myself in their shoes.
1. False
2. True
24) True or False: I often want what other people have.
1. True
2. False
25) Rate your relationships with the following on a scale of 1−5 with 5 being the most peaceful, loving, harmonious relationships and 1 being the most chaotic, stressful and disharmonious relationships.
(Note: if you don’t have a relationship with a particular category, for example you’re self-employed and don’t have co-workers, you must answer the question based on a previous experience or how you would be with co-workers. Do not leave an answer blank.)
Spouse/romantic partner……………….
Strangers/random encounters………..
26) True or False: I have a great support network (ie friends or family that encourage me and want the best for me).
1. False, I don’t have a support network
2. True, I am surrounded by those who encourage me
27) True or False: I am surrounded by positive people.
1. False, I am surrounded by people who are negative, cynical or indifferent.
2. True, I am surrounded by people with a positive outlook
28) Do you get emotional when watching the news or reading the paper?
1. Yes, highly emotional when watching the news
2. Occasionally I get emotional on certain topics
3. No, the media doesn’t affect my emotions
29) On a scale of 1−4, how often do you take sides on any issue?
1. Daily − I like to take sides
2. Occasionally if I feel strongly about an issue
3. Rarely ever − only in some rare instances
4. Never − I remain neutral
30) True or False: I defend or argue my beliefs with others frequently.
1. True
2. False
31) True or False: I feel helpless to create change at a global level.
1. True, I feel my actions don’t matter
2. False, I know my actions have a ripple effect
32) True or False: When making a decision, I consider the effects of my actions on the environment, other people, etc.
1. False, I usually only think of myself or those in my immediate circle
2. True, I often consider the collective ramifications of my actions
33) What is your general belief about others?
1. I believe people are selfish and only care about themselves
2. I believe people genuinely care about others
34) What is your feeling toward people who commit a crime, etc?
1. I believe in revenge − an eye for an eye
2. It depends on the crime
3. I believe every situation should be handled with love
35) True or False: The Universe is friendly.
1. False
2. True
Peace meter scoring
Now add up the point values to get so your total points.
Score of 39−53: Peace naysayer
You probably don’t see why being “peaceful” is even important. You often may feel like a victim to circumstance. You may have a tendency to bottle your feelings up or, on the other extreme, express them in ways that are hurtful to yourself or others. You may not even be able to imagine what it would be like to not worry, not have stress, or to be joyous and fulfilled. You may have a hard time understanding another’s point of view. You may even dislike people who are joyous or overly cheerful or be jealous of others. You may measure yourself against other people. You may have developed certain “bad habits” or addictions to cover up your feelings or to ease the pain.
Score of 54−88: Peace seeker
You are genuinely a kind person, though you may have had some bad experiences that prevent you from expressing that part of you. You may walk a fine line between peace and drama. Sometimes you’re up, sometimes you’re down. You may be living in the past, holding on to old hurts, or not fully nurturing yourself. You may, at times, feel like the world is a cold place to live. You may believe that people are out to hurt you. You may have the philosophy of “each person for himself”. You’d genuinely like to make changes in your life, but may not know how. You probably read self-help materials or attend seminars looking for answers or seeking help. You may feel that if circumstances were different you’d be able to experience peace. You experience glimpses of peace but may have a hard time maintaining that emotional state consistently. You want to help others but may feel that you will help them when you get a chance or when you have more money. The good news is that the peace you seek is already in you!
Score of 89−113: Peaceful presence
For the most part, you are a peaceful presence. You may let things build up, or you may allow yourself to be affected by external circumstances. At those breaking points, you may say things you regret, or do things that are “unlike” you in normal circumstances. You are a kind, giving person but you may judge others or hold grudges against those who have hurt you. You may experience times of great joy and peace, followed by times of chaos or stress. You are trying to develop consistency in your life − not one filled with high’s and low’s but with a consistent joy and peace. For the most part, your life is fulfilling but you’d like to make some “minor tweaks” that would enable you to be completely centred at all times.
Score of 114−122: Peace keeper
You are a beacon of peace in the world and serve as an example of peace to others. You are consistently able to shine your light into the world, even in difficult situations. You are likeable. You are surrounded by people who admire and respect you. You are constantly trying to improve your life and the lives of those around you. You have a healthy balance of emotions. If you are angry, sad, frustrated or disappointed, you honour those feelings without lashing out at others or without making others feel bad. Sometimes things may pile up to a “breaking point” but you are able to address your feelings in a healthy manner and you are also able to honour and release your feelings. You are consistently thinking of others and wanting the best for them. You are a giver. You nurture your body, mind and spirit regularly.
Score of 123−130: Peace ambassador
You have reached a level of “sainthood” and you are among good company. Jesus, Buddha and Mother Teresa would probably test at this level. Only 1 to 3% of the population would test at this level.