High-intensity interval training, or HIIT, has become one of the hottest new fitness trends. Here is a quick guide to what HIIT is and why it has become such a popular training technique.
What is HIIT?
The name might make it sound complicated, HIIT is a simple technique where you alternate periods of short and intense exercise with periods of less intense exercise or complete. A very simple example of an HIIT routine is regular brisk walking alternated with short periods of jogging, or short sprints incorporated into regular jogging.
Why is HIIT so popular?
HIIT has become popular for two proven reasons:
- It burns more fat
- It does it in less time.
How is it so effective?
HIIT speeds up the heart rate and increases the body’s need for oxygen, not just while you exercise but also during recovery after exercise. This phenomenon, known as afterburn, increases your metabolism for up to 48 hours after a workout—you burn fat and kilojoules not only while you exercise, but for a long time after it as well.
Studies prove that you can achieve an effective interval training workout in 20 minutes or less, and some styles of training developed by exercise gurus bring this down to as little as four minutes. The benefits will of course depend on your fitness level and exercise routine.
More benefits of HIIT
- It improves cardiovascular fitness
- You don’t need any equipment; HIIT techniques generally only use your body weight
- You can do it anywhere and at any time
- You can easily adapt your current exercise routine to include HIIT
- It adds variety to your training
- It makes your exercise routine more challenging.