It can be tempting to select a roommate based on how friendly the person is, but you’re better off knowing how compatible you’ll be when sharing the same living space day in and day out.
Here is a list of suggestions to help you share your living space harmoniously.
Compare your daily habits
- Does the prospective roommate have enough money to cover the bills?
- Is he/she an early riser or night owl?
- How much TV does he/she watch?
- What are the roommate’s political, cultural or religious views?
- When should one roommate worry if the other is not home at a certain time?
- Is he/she sensitive to fragrances and/or odours? This may affect what you choose as cleaning products etc.
- How messy or clean does the person keep his/her space? Does he/she understand the importance of getting the dishes done and rubbish taken out?
- Does the person smoke or do any other kind of recreational drugs?
- What kind of personality does this person have, is he/she an extrovert or an introvert?
- What kind of music and TV shows does he/she enjoy? Moreover, does he/she prefer loud music and a blaring TV?
- Write down rules that both you and your prospective roommate agree to and both sign a copy. Don’t be too rigid. Dirty windows never hurt anyone and a broken plate should not ruin a friendship
- Control the amount of noise you make. Wear headphones when you listen to music, and go into another room when on the phone. If you’re going to engage in a noisy activity, ask your roommate beforehand
- Be careful about lending money
- Decide what to share. For example, state what contents in the fridge are off limits, and if you borrow something, let your roommate know and (if necessary) replace it
- Divide responsibilities. If your roommate is a good cook and you’re not, have him/her cook and you do the dishes
- Set up a chores schedule. Take turns cleaning the bathroom, taking out the rubbish, etc
- Follow the Golden Rule. Treat your roommate as you’d like to be treated.
If there’s a problem, talk about it right away. If you simply cannot communicate openly and there’s tension all the time, find a new roommate. You may be better friends if you choose to live separately.