Spring is a great time to envision endless possibilities and to use your creative gifts to reach new levels of achievement, wellness, happiness and success. Be receptive to unforeseen possibilities and remember to be ready at any moment to give up what you are for what you may become.

Many use this time to “spring-clean” their houses, cars and work areas. This season invigorates us to undertake projects, become more organised, renew a flagging exercise routine, better manage our health, re-group, re-prioritise and even re-invent our lives and ourselves. Here are some spring “rituals” to help you get started:

    • De-clutter your living space. Get rid of anything you no longer need. If you haven’t worn or used it for two years, out it goes. Donate clothing and household items that are in reasonably good condition to a charity and books to your local library or hospital.
    • Dispose of medications and first aid products beyond their expiration date.
    • Clear out mental and emotional clutter. Use this season to let go of the past to make room for new things to come into your life. Challenge limiting beliefs about yourself and about how things should be. When something negative comes up, replace it with something positive and stay with that feeling.
    • Spring is a time of new beginnings – resolve to do something you’ve always wanted to do but never felt you had the time.
    • Make an inventory of your health, including your diet, exercise and stress level. Begin slowly, one change at a time, eventually incorporating others.
    • Learn a new language, take piano lessons or a computer class … it’s never too late to fulfil a dream.
    • Volunteer your time. Teach reading to those who want to learn or help clean up your community – there are many ways to give of yourself.
    • Spend time outdoors.
    • Go away for a weekend to reflect on your life, the past season, and what new things you may want to incorporate into your life. Organise a family reunion or plan your annual holiday.
    • Simplify your life. Slow down and make quality time for yourself. Re-organise your highest priorities and re-evaluate your commitments.






Revised by M Collis