Winter brings shorter days and longer cold nights, but a change in weather does not mean that all has to be doom and gloom. There are lots of ways parents and children can fight off the chill and warm up the days. Here are some suggestions of things to do and make to warm up this winter.
Five fun things to do together
Get a cheap birdfeeder or two for the garden, or make your own using a pine cone and some bird seed. Birdwatching can be a fascinating activity once you take the time to sit and watch the birds.
Some empty plastic bottles and a ball is all you need to get the ball rolling, so to speak. Or buy an inexpensive bowling set and turn the passage into a bowling alley.
Make up a pass-along story
Put some safe household items into a bag and start the story by taking out the first item and using it as glue to thicken the plot. Each person gets a turn to take out an item and carry on with the story. The one to take out the last item must end the story.
Photo expedition
The winter weather causes interesting changes to the landscape around us. Grab the digital camera and head out to record what you see. Digital technology also means it’s a cost-free activity.
Moms-and-kids play date
If you want to stay in and enjoy home, invite a friend over who has a child or children the same age as yours, then everyone has good company and stay entertained.
Five fun things to make together
A European favourite, a babycino is simply a small cup of steamed milk with a little chocolate powder or cinnamon sprinkled on top. If you don’t have a milk steamer, heat the milk on the stove top while frothing the milk with a milk frother. It is a lovely alternative to hot chocolate and just as nice.
Pasta necklaces
Any kind of hollow pasta can be used to make colourful necklaces. You can use paint and glitter to glam it up. No painting is required as the pasta can simply be dipped in the paint and threaded with string once dry.
Edible snowmen
Raid the pantry and create snowmen from sweets, biscuits, marshmallows, icing or whatever else is lurking in there. A healthier alternative is a snowman sandwich made with fruit and vegetables.
Mulled apple juice
Warm some 100% apple juice in a pan with a pinch of cinnamon, nutmeg or pumpkin pie spice. You can add some orange zest strips for a more fruity flavour. Serve warm.
Winter picnic
Lunch time is the warmest time of the day. Instead of having lunch at the kitchen counter, pack a prepared lunch, some healthy snacks or fruit, hot chocolate in a thermos, throw a blanket in the boot and head out for a winter picnic.