Although today many cancers are curable, pancreatic cancer is one with only a 5% five-year survival rate after diagnosis. The main reason is that usually it is only diagnosed after it has already spread to other parts of the body.


Pancreatic cancer is a condition in which cells grow out of control in the pancreas where they form lumps or masses of tissue, also called tumours. These tumours interfere with the normal function of the pancreas and may migrate to other parts of the body.

Both men and women can get pancreatic cancer, usually after the age of 45, but about 30% more men are likely to suffer from it.

The pancreas is an organ about 15 cm long and is located behind the stomach. Its main functions are to produce enzymes that help in food digestion and the production of insulin and other hormones that help control blood sugar.


Unfortunately cancer of the pancreas has already spread to other parts of the body by the time that symptoms are noticed. These symptoms may include the following:

    • Pain in the upper belly or the back
    • Weight loss
    • Extreme tiredness
    • Jaundice
    • Blood clots
    • Depression.


The exact cause of pancreatic cancer is not known. However, the following may increase a person’s risk of getting pancreatic cancer:

    • Smoking tobacco
    • Having diabetes
    • Being overweight or obese
    • Heavy alcohol drinking
    • Having chronic pancreatitis
    • Having a family history of pancreatic cancer, hereditary pancreatitis or Lynch syndrome.


Various test such as ultrasound, CT scans and endoscopic may be done to determine the size of tumours and the spread of cancer, but the surest way of determining if a person has pancreatic cancer is to do a biopsy and then to examine the sample thus gathered under a microscope.

Types and stages

The main types of tumours that form in the pancreas are called exocrine (most common) and endocrine (rare), depending on the type of cells from which they originate.

Once pancreatic cancer has started, it is classified according to the following stages in order to determine the treatment:

    • Stage I, when the cancer is confined to the pancreas
    • Stage II, when the cancer has spread beyond the pancreas to nearby tissues and organs and may have spread to the lymph nodes
    • Stage III, when the cancer has spread beyond the pancreas to the major blood vessels around the pancreas and may have spread to the lymph nodes
    • Stage IV, when the cancer has spread to distant sites beyond the pancreas, such as the liver, lungs and the lining that surrounds your abdominal organs.


Owing to the fact that pancreatic cancer is usually diagnosed late, the five-year survival rate after diagnosis is less than 5%. The following methods are available for the treatment of pancreatic cancer, either alone or in combination:

    • Surgery to remove all or part of the pancreas (if the cancer has not spread, it is possible to completely cure a person by surgically removing the cancer from the body
    • Chemotherapy
    • Radiation therapy
    • Palliative care to reduce discomfort when the cancer cannot be cured.

Although the treatment may not cure the cancer, it can help the sufferer to feel better and to live longer.


As no definite causes can be identified for pancreatic cancer, it is not possible to know how to prevent it. However, following a healthy lifestyle is the best way to try and prevent cancers. This includes:

    • Stop smoking
    • Eat fruits and vegetables every day
    • Exercise at least three times a week
    • Maintain a healthy weight.

Prognosis Although pancreatic cancer is a serious condition, treatments can allow people to live longer and improve their quality of life. There are ongoing clinical trials to discover more effective ways of treating pancreatic cancer as well as ongoing research to help diagnose pancreatic cancer early on.

