Your feet are an essential part of every activity you do – whether you are walking, running, exercising or just standing. Having feet that are comfortable and well-cared for makes the experience much more pleasant.

Preventing foot trouble

Years of wear and tear can be hard on your feet; check your feet regularly, or have a member of your family check them. When your feet don’t get the attention they need, chronic problems can develop.

Regular walking is specifically good for your feet. It strengthens the foot muscles and conditions them so that if you do subject them to unusual strain, they’re less likely to be injured or to ache afterwards. Walking continuously moves joints without placing them under great pressure and is recommended as a good way for people with foot-joint problems – including arthritis, gout and bunions – to get some exercise.

Always make sure that you are wearing the right kind of shoes to suit the activity. If your job requires a lot of walking or standing, keep two pairs of shoes at the office. If you wear heels, keep a pair of flats handy and switch back and forth throughout the day. Each pair of shoes will require you to use a different set of foot muscles and this way you’ll relieve the pressure that each pair may exert on different parts of your feet.

Blood circulation to your feet can be improved by putting your feet up when you are sitting or lying down. You can also do some simple stretches and exercises that can help keep your feet in top form.

The following factors can also have an influence on the wellbeing of your feet:

    • Poor circulation
    • Improperly trimmed toenails
    • Disease
    • Smoking (reduces circulation to all parts of the body)
    • Wearing shoes that do not fit properly.

Pampering your feet

Your feet help you to get around all day while being subjected to the dirt and grime of the outdoors. In addition, they also carry and support your weight. Give your feet a break when you’re at home and pamper them by having a gentle foot massage or taking a warm foot bath. Dry your feet well, especially between the toes, apply moisturiser to prevent cracked heels and keep your toenails clipped short and straight.

Other foot care tips

    • Try to avoid pressure from shoes that do not fit right
    • Try not to expose your feet to cold temperatures
    • Do not sit for long periods at a time (especially with your legs crossed)
    • Wearing comfortable shoes that fit well can prevent many foot ailments.

