There are no shortcuts to losing weight in a healthy and reasonable way. Quick-fix diets can lead to a yo-yo effect of drastic weight loss followed by weight gain, resulting in a vicious cycle. If you eat fewer kilojoules than you burn, you will lose weight.
Eat breakfast every day
When you skip the starter meal of the day, hunger hits stronger and often well before lunchtime. A meal made up mostly of carbohydrates, protein and with some fat keeps blood-sugar levels steady and hunger pangs away. Whole-grain cereals like oatmeal, non-fat yogurt, eggs or peanut butter for protein, and whole-grain toast will carry you through the morning.
Snack smartly
Nutritionists now know that it is better to satisfy a craving with a healthy snack than ignore it and risk a junk-food binge later. Snacking can be a good thing as long as you choose smart snacks. The best choices are protein-packed snacks or a variety of fruit. Fruit has no fat, contains lots of fibre and is mostly water; therefore it will fill you up.
Eat several mini-meals during the day
When you are hungry all the time, eating fewer kilojoules can be a challenge. You shouldn’t feel as hungry if you eat more fruits and vegetables, because these nutrient-rich foods are also high in fibre and water, which can give you a feeling of fullness. Divide your daily kilojoules into smaller meals or snacks and enjoy most of them earlier in the day – supper should be the last time you eat anything.
Eat protein at every meal
Protein is the ultimate fill-me-up food – it is more satisfying than carbs or fats and keeps you feeling full for longer. It also helps preserve muscle mass and encourages fat burning. Be sure to incorporate healthy proteins like seafood, lean meat, egg whites, yogurt, cheese, soy, nuts or beans into your meals and snacks.
Make your second helping all veggies
If you have to have a second helping, commit to making it an all-veggie one. Eating more cooked or salad vegetables increases your feeling of fullness without adding a lot of kilojoules, as long as you don’t butter the vegetables and use only non-fat or low-fat salad dressings.
Smart eating for weight loss is the way to go as opposed to dieting. Incorporate the above tips into your daily eating plan to help you lose kilos as well as keep the weight off. Combine this with regular exercise to speed up your weight loss.