Once you’ve given up smoking, it does not mean that temptation won’t come your way. Staying free from tobacco is a life-long commitment.

Here are a few tips to help you along the way:

    • Remind yourself of the reasons why you decided to quit in the first place. You can write these down and post them where you can see them often. They will help you retain your enthusiasm to stay tobacco free.
    • Be aware of the sensory triggers that you associate with smoking. When you experience these sounds, smells, tastes, etc, they will increase your urge to smoke. Therefore, have a survival kit ready. The kit may consist of a few healthy snacks, your gym outfit and the telephone number of a friend who supports you. Do not hesitate to use the kit.
    • Smoking as a habit is extremely powerful. Like the sensory triggers, certain habits may trigger the urge to smoke. So, do something different than you used to do in any given situation. For example, if you used to smoke after a meal, get up straight away and do something such as playing with your children or going for a walk. Gradually you can replace the bad habit with good and healthy ones.
    • Most people gain some weight after they have stopped smoking. If this happens to you, don’t panic and try to go on a diet just yet. Focus on staying smoke-free, eating healthily and getting some exercise. It’s easier to lose kilograms than stop smoking. After a while, you can start working on your figure.
    • Stress and emotional crises are often the cause of a relapse. Therefore, educate yourself on ways of relieving stress, for example by breathing deeply and visualising a healthier, happier you. Make a conscious effort to relax more, for example by spending time with your pets, or taking up a hobby.

Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for yourself, your family and your friends. You’ll never regret it!


Quit smoking. Pamplet by Human Dynamics.