No one thinks about breathing. It is the most natural thing in the world. Yet many of us breathe incorrectly, adding to our feelings of stress and fatigue.

Correct breathing is vital to our wellbeing. It takes oxygen into the body, which is necessary for all human activity, from cell metabolism to the contraction of a muscle. Besides this, ancient Eastern medicine believed that correct breathing is the bridge between the outside world and the body, and that correct breathing maintains the “life force” within humans. They believed that shallow breathing stagnates the life force and consequently causes disease. This ancient philosophy still forms the basis of many alternative healing therapies today.

Why correct breathing is important
Correct breathing ensures that your body receives the correct amount of oxygen it needs. If you become stressed or anxious, your breathing tends to become shallow or rapid. If this type of breathing occurs for too long, the blood loses carbon dioxide and becomes less acidic. This will affect the functioning of the nerves and muscles and can lead to symptoms such as palpitations, faintness, panic attacks, fatigue, headaches and muscular tension. Correct breathing on the other hand makes you stronger, clear headed, relaxed and energetic.

How to breathe correctly
It’s best to “learn” correct breathing while lying down. Once you have mastered the art you can apply the same principles when sitting down or walking.

    • Dress in something comfortable. Lie on a firm bed and try to be as relaxed as possible.
    • Place both hands on the bottom edges of your ribs with the tips of your fingers nearly touching in the middle.
    • Take a deep, slow breath through your nostrils. Visualise the air being sucked into the lung spaces under your hands. Your fingers should move up and out, and your stomach should rise. However, keep your shoulders still.
    • Hold your breath for a count of seven.
    • Release your breath over a count of 10. Don’t push the air out of your lungs. Your stomach and fingers will return to their starting position.
    • Repeat the sequence three times before breathing naturally again.
    • Repeat the process again, but not more than twice.